Brother Daniele Natale
was a Franciscan Capuchin, who passed away in 1994. He was one of
Padre Pio's most devoted spiritual children and his close friend.
For many years he was assigned to the friary at San Giovanni Rotondo,
in the role of porter, questor, cook, and humble provider for the
friars. In this way he grew in sanctity, and was the recipient of
many spiritual favors from on High. After his death, his reputation
for holiness was such that his body was moved to a special locus in
the same church where Padre Pio himself had been initially interred,
the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. His cause for
canonization has begun.
In 1952 Fra Daniele, at
the insistence of Padre Pio, underwent an operation for a tumor in
his spleen at a hospital in Rome. For a certain period he submitted
to radiation and chemotherapy at the clinic. It was during this
difficult time in his life that he was granted a remarkable vision of
God's creation. Daniele insists he was awake, sitting on his bed,
and it was not a dream.
He found himself in an
unknown place that he had never seen before – a beautiful
countryside near a body of water. He began to walk along, and near a
hedgerow he came upon an exceptionally gorgeous rose of a deep red
color. It was marvelous to look at, and while admiring it he said,
“How beautiful you are!” At the same time he could smell a
perfume more heavenly than any fragrance he had ever experienced in
his life. Full of amazement, he turned to the rose and said, “You
are so beautiful, and with such a sweet aroma! How is it possible
that you have not been discovered before?” The rose replied to
Daniele, “I am from the Creator and am here in order to praise Him.
As for the perfume, it serves to purify the air polluted by man, and
to make up for the lack of love that man should show for his
Creator.” Hearing this Fra Daniele was troubled, since he thought
that it was an accusation against him personally. “These words are
for me,” he thought. He felt a little relief when the rose
replied, “No! They are not meant for you.”
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Resuming his walk in the
countryside, he came before a garden bursting with flowers. He could
not bring himself to tread upon them by continuing his walk. But the
flowers, bending a little, invited him to proceed. Even as he
apologized for trampling them, they in return thanked him. Turning
towards the flowers, he asked, “Tell me, what is your task?”
They answered, “To purify the air of sin and impurity, and to make
up for the love which mankind lacks for the Creator.” They were
almost the same words of reproof spoken by the rose. And again he
heard a voice saying that these words were not for him.
Continuing onward, he
came to a little hill, at the bottom of which was a running brook
which led to a pretty waterfall. Within himself he was thinking, “Is
the water also going to tell me that it praises the Creator?” Then
Daniele asked, “Sister water, what is your task before the Most
High?” “To praise the Creator,” was the reply. “And in what
way do you praise the Creator?” he asked. “With my sounds,”
the water replied. Daniele then became aware that he had never heard
rushing water sound such beautiful notes! From that little waterfall
came forth the enchanting chimes of an organ, to which no man-made
organ could compare. It was a truly celestial melody, that
penetrated so deeply within the soul of Fra Daniele that he was
forced to plead, “Enough! Enough!”
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Then he began to walk
along, stepping right in the brook itself, and yet he did not get
wet. How curious! The brook led to the sea, and he found himself at a
cove. The grass was beautiful and shiny, and the blades seemed to be
statues pointing straight to the heavens. In their midst was an
exquisite lily. It was tall, with a single flower in the form of a
chalice – it was so attractive and enchanting to look at. But
Daniele seemed to be in a hurry and did not linger there. However,
he thought to himself that this lily too is going to tell me that it
praises the Creator. So he continued walking, but the lily turned
towards him as if to get his attention, and he said to it, “I
already know, I know what your purpose is: to praise the Creator!”
The flower then made a profound bow as if giving its assent, and he
continued walking in the stream until he came to the sea.
He kept onward and walked
right into the sea, not on the surface of the water but on the sea
floor. It contained many beautiful plants, and a quantity of little
fish that he had never seen before, thin and of various colors. They
danced before him, and were so pretty, so attractive. Then after
going a few hundred feet, he noticed a very large fish coming towards
him, confidently smiling at him. But Fra Daniele was afraid, and as
it approached him, he told it to stop and tell him what it wants.
But the great fish was mortified at having to keep away, and Daniele
felt sorry for it. He exhorted the big fish to come closer. When it
was only a few yards away, he asked the fish what his purpose was.
“My task is to gather the praises of all creatures that live in the
sea, and through the mediation of a priest who lives in the world, to
offer them to the Creator.” Daniele responded, “Oh I understand,
that priest is Padre Pio.” Upon hearing the name of Padre Pio, the
large fish bowed profoundly, and remained that way until Fra Daniele
asked him to straighten.
While walking on the sea
bed, just as in the brook, he did not get wet. He marveled at it,
and wondered to himself why. The waters themselves seemed to answer
him, “You are here in our midst not merely as a man who has the
weight of his body, but also as a spirit.” That was why he did not
get wet.
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Returning to solid
ground, he found himself on the banks of the sea, beyond the sand,
where there were many bushes and rocks, and he came to a small hill.
Looking around, he saw many little snakes of various pretty colors,
similar to those of the little fish he had just seen. They twisted
around each other, and as they swayed towards him, they seemed to be
dancing in a marvelous way.
Then in the distance, on
that little and pleasant hill, he saw a very large and long snake,
that aroused fear in him as soon as he saw it. He kept turning away
from it in order to avoid confronting it, but that snake somehow kept
always in front of him. Finally, Daniele was forced to ask it,
“Perhaps you too wish to talk to me? Maybe you also are going to
tell me that you snakes praise the Creator? But how can you praise
the Creator if the devil has your appearance?” The great snake
replied, “No, the devil does not look like us. It is mankind that
has ascribed to the devil the appearance of a snake.”
Then Daniele asked, “What
is your praise, how do you praise the Creator?” “By our sounds.”
Immediately the serpents began to harmonize with each other and
Daniele heard a sweet, penetrating melody. Once again, as with the
enchanting sound made by the waterfall, he had to shout out, “Enough,
After ascending the
little hill, he walked ahead and entered a forest. The plants there
gave the impression that they were moving together with their leaves
and vibrating, as if they were expressing joy. Daniele thought to
himself, “Will not they also tell me that they are praising the
Creator?” Then he heard a voice responding to his unspoken
question. “Certainly! Yes, we praise the Creator!” He asked,
“How, in what way do you do so?” Their reply: “With our
beauty, to purify the air and provide oxygen for people, the people
that are so ungrateful towards our Creator.” Daniele's impression
upon hearing this was that all creation is reproving mankind!
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Proceeding along in the
forest he encountered many animals – squirrels, birds, even a herd
of elephants who made a great noise as they paraded, and as they
passed by it seemed that the trees moved out of their way. Then he
saw, resting on top of a rock, a majestic and beautiful lion.
Although aware that the lion would not hurt him, Daniele was still
afraid, and he ordered the lion not come near him. If it wanted to
speak it would have to do so from where it was sitting. To the lion,
he asked the same question – what is your task? And it replied in
basically the same words at the fish, adding, “We can praise the
Creator, but we cannot offer Him love. This is something that only
people with immortal souls can do. Ah! If mankind only understood
what love is! All of our praises are nothing in the face of an act
of love made by a human to our Creator. And we entrust all our
praises to a priest living in the world because he is so pleasing to
the Most High.” Daniele responded, “I understand, he is Padre
Pio.” Then the lion, as did the large fish, bowed profoundly upon
hearing the name of Padre Pio. Daniele felt a bit of pride, because
he knows and even lives with Padre Pio.
After concluding his
conversations with the lion and the other animals of the forest,
Fran Daniele kept walking until he came before an ancient tree. It
was so large that three men would not be able to reach around its
trunk. At the foot of this tree, feeling tired and dazed, he sat
down in the hopes of not having to experience anything further. This
plant was a type of cedar of Lebanon, whose branches did not
overhang, and was almost completely stripped of its bark, remnants of
which clung to the trunk. Daniele wondered if this tree too would
tell him that it praises the Creator. The reply was immediate,
“Certainly! Yes I do praise the Creator! I cannot love Him, but
only praise Him. Indeed, and for centuries I have carried out my
task. I gather all of the praises of the different plants and the
trees throughout the world, and by means of a priest who, except for
Jesus, is the most pleasing to God, I offer them to our Creator.”
Immediately Daniele said, “The priest is Padre Pio.” He felt
good in just pronouncing his name, since he was his personal friend.
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All at once he heard
rustling noises. Looking around, he saw that the ancient tree and
all the other plants were bending in reverence. After having them
resume their proper bearing, Daniele exhorted the ancient cedar to
speak to him about Padre Pio. It spoke to Daniele for a long time
about Jesus as High Priest, and then launched into a panegyric on the
priesthood of Padre Pio, the man so pleasing to God, who knew how
to make present the person and the message of Jesus in every way.
The discourse of the ancient cedar was marvelous, and Daniele had
never heard of anyone speak of Padre Pio so beautifully. Since he
knew Padre Pio well, he could confirm that what he was hearing about
him was truthful. Unfortunately, he can now no longer remember all
the particulars, only that it was a magnificent tribute.
It was at this point that
Daniele found himself sitting on his bed, wide awake. He thought to
himself, “How is this possible. I was awake and yet was there,
in all those places. I don't understand what happened, or what to
call it. One thing I am sure of – it all really happened.”
Afterwards he laid down on the bed trying to make sense out of it in
his mind. But the more he thought about that journey, the more
mysterious it seemed. “Now I understand Saint Francis, I understand
his Canticle of the Creatures: Praised be You, my Lord, through
all Your creatures.”
next morning, when Daniele was traveling by bus and trolley for his
radiation therapy, whenever they passed by any trees, he felt he
wanted to greet them, and in fact he did greet them. But he was very
careful not to be noticed, otherwise people would think he was crazy.
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he returned from his treatments in Rome back to San Giovanni Rotondo,
he related the entire occurrence to Padre Pio. After he listened to
it all, Padre Pio said, “And so it is, my son.” (“Cosi è,
figlio mio.”) In this way he confirmed and sealed as the truth:
that all Creation converges on him and he offers everything to the
This article is based on Brother Natale's own testament of his vision, found at the website of the Friends of Fra Natale, Here.
See my Catholic books on
Padre Pio and others Here.