Saturday, January 25, 2025

Love and Forgiveness

This post is from someone who is very active in the Divine Will movement, and she was disappointed that she did not die and enter heaven because of her cancer diagnosis! 


Hello, Dear Divine Will Family!

It has been a long time, and I have missed each one of you very much.  I have kept you in my prayers as much as i was able, but God knew you were there every second!  I pray all of you and your families are healthy and happy. 

I am pretty sure you are aware that I am in remission from brain cancer and I only have God, His actions and your prayers guiding the doctors to thank for my recovery.  He is so very good and merciful to all His children. 

When I found out that I had brain cancer, I can't tell you the joy that I experienced, believing at that time, I would be dying.  I was filled with joy and expectations of seeing Jesus and Mary!  I couldn't wait, I was so excited!  Of course, as It turned out, it was not God's time for me to leave this body.  His timing is always perfect and, as disappointed as I was, I knew He knew better than I when the time would be perfect.  Fiat always, His Will alone be accomplished!! 

What have I learned lying in bed, it seems constantly, for the last 6 months or so?  Love and Forgiveness!!  These two words are extremely important for us who want to live in the Divine Will as God lives in It, deeply and passionately!  To LIVE and understand deeply what 
love and forgiveness is is to become love and to forgive every soul, from the beginning of time til the end of time!  We are all human and we all make mistakes, we are not perfect and no one ever will be perfect until God ordains it so. We must, and this is a must, love everyone as deeply as God loves us, if that is ever possible on earth.  We must try our vert best to live as God desires us to live with our brothers and sisters.

I have had a hard time loving souls who are what I consider evil, but God helped me a lot by showing me how to wipe away the evil that they do, and just put God's love in their place....see them restored and made new in and with His Holy Will!  I can love all of them and love them with a passion because they are now clean, made whole and beautiful, as God desires us all to be!  We can then offer them all up to God for His Glory!!  Its imperative to pray for all souls!  Who are we to exclude anyone?  We are nobody!  We are nothing if we don't love all souls, past, present and future, no matter who they are and what they have done!!  That's how God loves and until we become another little "god" by His Grace, loving as He loves, forgiving as He forgives, we will not give Him the glory and love that is due Him.  He loves all of us most tenderly, most passionately, most ardently!  

Loving every soul with tenderness and compassion as God loves is giving God the glory we owe Him.  May all be done for love of Him Who loves us so much! 

As a side note, I have several impairments from this gift that God gave me which may help you understand why I have not written to you or answered anyone's emails, or letters.  It is very difficult for me to see.  My eyes have been affected by the chemo or cancer, which the doctors said may clear up later.  It is all up to God....Fiat always!  I have to have some one read the letters to me and help me write back to them.  I am most happy to continue writing the emails as long as I have help, but if not, it will be another Fiat!  Praise God for the much peace and joy the Fiat brings to all who love God's Holy Will. 

I know there are beautiful and very great and knowledgeable souls out there now who are learning so much about God and His Holy Will and are spreading the knowledge rapidly, praise His Holy Will!  I am excited for all of you learning so much!  

I hope you all know how much I love each of you and keep you all in my daily prayers!  Fiat always!  May His Holy Will come quickly!


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