Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Opposing the "false mercy" Agenda

As the battle lines continue to form, traditionalists are turning to their blogs and social media to counteract what they see as an agenda of “false mercy” being promoted by supporters of the progressive camp. The liberal wing, following the lead of Pope Francis and Cardinal Kasper, hopes to use the upcoming Synod on the Family to further erode the bastions of Catholicism, by minimizing the sanctity of the sacraments of the Eucharist and of marriage. Their intent, as is well known, is to permit those in irregular marital situations or relationships, of varied types, to receive the Eucharist without qualms to their conscience.

The worst-case scenario of embarking on this slippery slope is tragic. Why shouldn't an unhappy Catholic couple just get divorced, since they can still receive Communion anyway? Why should Catholic couples or divorced-remarried Catholics bother with annulments if they will still be in sacramental Communion with the Church? Why should one be concerned at all about divorcing and re-marrying if communion with the Church via the Eucharist is still possible?

As the battle heats up, two Catholic bloggers/writers in particular have undertaken concrete attempts to defend the bastions. James Larson, who maintains the website "The War Against Being," has initiated a Children's Crusade of Prayer for the Holy Father. He writes:

I plan to send the following short letter to Pope Francis. It will be accompanied by a picture taken this past Christmas of all my children, their spouses, and grandchildren. I think that pictures are crucial. I believe that every Catholic website and blog should promote such a "children's crusade" (variations are of course desirable) from now until the closing of the Synod. The address of the Holy Father should also be provided.

His Holiness, Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City 
Holy Father,

Our children, and our entire family, are praying the rosary with the following intention:

"For Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, that he might not promote a false mercy, but that he might do what is necessary in order to protect both the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Marriage from sacrilege."

Larson hopes that It will be difficult for Pope Francis to dismiss such children and their families as "self-absorbed, Promethian, Neo-pelagians," which is the way traditionalists are often characterized.

In his “From Rome” blog, Franciscan Brother Alexis Bugnolo, writes that Catholics must band together in a world-wide network. He writes: “To be quiet now, is to tacitly succumb. If you don’t declare your side publicly now, it will be too late to recruit an army when the battle starts. Indeed, the fundamental problem today in the Church arises from the cowardice of too many clergy to speak out and take initiatives to oppose the errors.”

Bugnolo is promoting the Veri Catholici Association, which takes up the call to preserve the Faith as it has been handed down through the ages. Members and supporters are specifically concerned with preserving the Apostolic Eucharistic doctrine:

We are zealously devoted to the defense of the doctrine revealed by God through St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, in his First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 26-27, which is:

26: For howsoever often you will have eaten this Bread and drink this Chalice, you announce the Death of the Lord, until He comes.

27: And so, whosoever will have eaten the Bread and/or have drunk the Chalice of the Lord will be liable for the Body and Blood of the Lord.

(Translation from the Vulgate text)


The "Shield of Faith" blog contends that according to Catholic teaching, when the perennial ecclesiastical Magisterium speaks it must be obeyed, even if it is not a formal infallible definition of doctrine on faith or morals (see this link).  In this case it is a question of the traditional doctrine on the immorality of the reception of Holy Communion while in a state of mortal sin. Therefore the time to object and put a stop to the progressive “false mercy” agenda is now, before there is any change in pastoral practice touching on the doctrine of the moral requirements for the reception of Holy Communion.
Posted on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2015 by Frank Rega, www.frankrega.com


  1. Plainly and simply the Pope is a fellow traveler and believes in situation ethics.

  2. I think your article is too quick to criticize our pope. Haven't you read the latest: ROME, March 20, 2015 – “This does not resolve anything,” Pope Francis has said with regard to the idea of giving communion to the divorced and remarried. Much less if they “want” it, demand it. Because communion “is not a badge, a decoration. No.” If the Holy Spirit is really in charge of our Church, what is there to fear???

  3. This may indicate that the determined resistance to these proposed changes is having an effect. But now is not the time to let up, since the bulk of his pronouncements indicate he wants change in this area.

    1. As long as the "determined resistance" respects our pope and continue to remain in communion with the pope, then I agree with you on this point. I do disagree with your statement "the bulk of his pronouncements indicate he wants change in this area." I've been following this topic from the beginning. Can you specifically refer to something the pope has said that confirms your statement? I can think of nothing that the pope has said that would strongly suggest that he wants to allow for communion for the divorced.

    2. Try this link:

  4. I would change the prayer to this:

    "For Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, that he does not promote a false mercy, but that he will do what is necessary in order to protect both the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Marriage from sacrilege."
