Thursday, June 30, 2022
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Weekly program for offering our prayers and sufferings.
Our Lord explained to the mystic and victim soul Maria Valtorta that He wants each day of the week dedicated to a specific intention, for which our sufferings, pains and prayers should be offered.
“And let us look at the major groups for which suffering is needed. The ones for which I, too, suffered in the Passion. The Priesthood, the despairing, sinners, idolaters, and the souls waiting to return to God – that is, for you, the souls being purged; for Me, at that time, the just in Limbo.”
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the first three days of the week, should be dedicated to the Priesthood. “In the Priesthood I include all the consecrated of every kind and category” The Priesthood is necessary for the life of the spirit, for the flock of the faithful. Priests provide the vital elements for souls, just like the four elements needed for life on earth – light, water, air, and fire. But many of these consecrated clerics become weaker and weaker, like stems lacking the vital elements, and unwilling to absorb them to give them to the flock. So what mission do many actually perform? “The one I entrusted to the Priesthood? No. The mission of their gain and of dispersing what I have gathered together. Oh, just a wisp keeps me from striking them […] It is painful for me, the eternal Pontiff, to see that my priestly army is full of sluggards and deserters.”
But the best ones [the good clerics], those who were “...better than you in faith, hope, and charity, sacrifice, chastity, and detachment from all that was not Me…why have you struck and crucified these on one of ‘your’ crosses? They were already on mine and remained there willingly, for your sake as well.” You have not even wanted to suffer “…the salutary humiliation of seeing yourselves surpassed in heroism by these faithful servants of mine, whom I clasp to my heart because through them the Light and the Word have been conserved on earth, stars shining over the centuries during their parabola, so that Heaven will always shine on men and they can find it and say ‘God is there.’” [Although written in the 20th century, this could prophetically refer to the faithful “canceled priests” of the 21st century.]
On Wednesday we should pray and suffer for the despairing. “They are brothers and sisters. No one should be so much of a brother or sister for you as someone who is poor, alone, and sick. And those despairing are poor, with the greatest poverty. They have lost everything in losing hope in God. They are alone. There is no solitude more real than this. […] They are sick. An illness which produces death. Real death. It is necessary to heal them, restore them to God, and make them rich with God.”
On Thursday we should offer our prayers and afflictions for the many idolaters. “For Me, idolatry is the worship of anything which is not the true God.” In addition to the savages, there are “…many of the civilized who, while knowing that there is one Triune God, worship a thousand idols ranging from their self to the self of one of their peers and along this way have many altars and false gods named ‘money,’ ‘power,’ ‘sensuality,’ ‘rationalistic knowledge,’ and so on.”
[…] “I thus include in the intentions for Thursday all those who must know the Most Holy Name of God and my own…and those who are ‘Christians’ but not Catholics. The Church is one: the Church of Rome. […] On a distant Thursday evening, with the wound of betrayal in my heart…I prayed for those who, through the heresy of a wretch, would separate from the living trunk of the Roman Church, that they might once again be one with it and thus with Me and with the Father; finally I prayed for all men because I was dying for them all. […] Pray, then, for these, who are not in Me or who have gone out through the errors of their forebears or through the error of their minds, made proud by the semblance of knowledge they possess.”
Let Friday be dedicated to the souls in Purgatory. Suffer and offer every Friday so that the angels of the Lord can say to many of these spirits, “Come and possess God.”
“I know […] the rejoicing which carried off the just in a whirlwind of love when I appeared on a far-off Friday and said ‘The wait is over. Come and possess God.’ […] The blessed are the gems born of the Blood which I shed to the last drop on Good Friday. To open the kingdom for a soul and introduce it into blessedness is to give Me back what is mine. Justice, then, and love for Me.”
On Saturday, pray and suffer with Mother Mary for the conversion of sinners. “Let every Saturday of yours be a band of thorns surrounding your heart, so that it will be covered with roses to offer Mary.” You place a rose at Her feet for every sinner who returns to God, “…a rose with which She wipes away the tears flowing from her eyes since I made her the Mother of the human race, so hostile to Me.”
Now for you, the week is over, without an hour of freedom to think of yourself. “I’ll take care of you. The Mother and I. And while you do what you can, with difficulty, in spite of your good will, the Mother and I act for your sake [...] for We love you and see that you love us.”
From The Notebooks, 1944, by Maria Valtorta, pp. 324-329.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Vatican II vs. the Church of the Past.
Courtesy of Pope Francis, we have a new term to describe the movement to protect the Tridentine Mass and the traditional teachings of the Church: “restorationism.” To quote from a June 14, 2022, article from the Catholic News Agency, written by Hannah Brockhaus: “There are many “restorers” in the United States who do not accept the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis said in an interview published on Tuesday. Speaking to the editors of Jesuit journals, he criticized what he called “restorationism” in the Church, which he defined as the failure to accept Vatican II, the ecumenical council held from 1962 to 1965.” Link Here.
Quite providentially, I recently came across a web page which purports show the differences between the "old" Church and that of the Vatican II Church. Based on a book written in 1966, shortly after the close of the Council, the sixteen documents it issued are summarized according to their consequences, in terms of the Church of the future vs. the Church of the past.
Of course the True Church can never be a Church of the past, since it endures until the end of the ages, even if at times only in the hearts of the faithful – surviving through good popes and enigmatic popes, true councils and false councils. Always in its essence One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
At any rate the web site I came across is an apologia for the council, as evidenced by a statement on its home page: “Those participating in or who lived through the time of the Council felt a profound, exhilarating sense of renewal and virtually experienced a new Pentecost.” The particular part of the site of interest in this post is their page entitled “The Sixteen Documents and their Consequences.” Link Here.
Some of their accusations against the Church of the “past” border on the sensational. For the Vatican II document entitled Declaration on Non-Christian Religions, they assert this of the Church of the past: “Past : Catholic missions formerly took an almost purely negative stand against the world religions. They were seen only from the viewpoint of conversion. The stand was even stronger in the case of the Moslems, who were considered militant enemies of the Church, and the Jews, who were considered an obdurate people. The Catholic attitude was permeated by an anti-Semitic strain without which there might have been no persecution of the Jews by the Nazis.”
So it was the fault of the pre-Vatican II Church that caused Hitler to invoke the holocaust! Regarding the negative stand regarding Muslims, explain why they are not militants to the families of these newest martyrs: “Nigeria Suspects Islamic State of Killing 40 in Catholic Church.” Link Here.
Most of their arguments favoring the great new Church of the future, were rebutted thoroughly in the classic: In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, by Atila S. Guimarães. See my review of the book Here.
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