Vatican II vs. the Church of the Past.
of Pope Francis, we have a new term to describe the movement to
protect the Tridentine Mass and the traditional teachings of the
Church: “restorationism.” To quote from a June 14, 2022, article
from the Catholic News Agency, written by Hannah Brockhaus: “There
are many “restorers” in the United States who do not accept the
Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis said in an interview published
on Tuesday. Speaking to the editors of Jesuit journals, he criticized
what he called “restorationism” in the Church, which he defined
as the failure to accept Vatican II, the ecumenical council held from
1962 to 1965.” Link Here.
providentially, I recently came across a web page which purports show
the differences between the "old" Church and that of the Vatican II
Church. Based on a book written in 1966, shortly after the close of
the Council, the sixteen documents it issued are summarized according
to their consequences, in terms of the Church of the future vs. the
Church of the past.
course the True Church can never be a Church of the past, since it
endures until the end of the ages, even if at times only in the
hearts of the faithful – surviving through good popes and enigmatic
popes, true councils and false councils. Always
in its essence One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
any rate the web site I came across is an apologia for the council,
as evidenced by a statement on its home page: “Those participating
in or who lived through the time of the Council felt a profound,
exhilarating sense of renewal and virtually experienced a new
Pentecost.” The particular part of the site of interest in this
post is their page entitled “The Sixteen Documents and their
Consequences.” Link Here.
of their accusations against the Church of the “past” border on
the sensational. For the Vatican II document entitled Declaration on
Non-Christian Religions, they assert this of the Church of the past:
: Catholic missions formerly took an almost purely negative stand
against the world religions. They were seen only from the viewpoint
of conversion. The stand was even stronger in the case of the
Moslems, who were considered militant enemies of the Church, and the
Jews, who were considered an obdurate people. The Catholic attitude
was permeated by an anti-Semitic strain without which there might
have been no persecution of the Jews by the Nazis.”
it was the fault of the pre-Vatican
II Church
that caused Hitler to invoke the holocaust! Regarding the negative
stand regarding Muslims, explain why they are not militants to the families of these
newest martyrs: “Nigeria Suspects Islamic State of Killing 40 in
Catholic Church.” Link Here.
of their arguments favoring the great new Church of the future, were
rebutted thoroughly in the classic: In
the Murky Waters of Vatican II,
by Atila S. Guimarães. See my review of the book Here.
my Catholic books Here.
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