Friday, April 29, 2022

Is there life on other worlds? Yes!

The Almighty would be a very small and limited Creator if He had created the Earth as the only inhabited world!


Two overviews of private revelations to Maria of the Cross (Maria Valtorta). 


The Lord is speaking of the Book of the Apocalypse, and considers its most obscure point to be the identity of the “great Babylon.” [There are six references to this term in that book.] From a human viewpoint, commentators have exhausted their capacity to deduce with their many explanations the meaning of the “great Babylon.” But why have they never considered that this term refers to the whole Earth?


It is true that the Earth is really that great harlot that has fornicated with all the powers of earth and hell, and its inhabitants have prostituted themselves, body and soul, just for a moment of triumph in earthly time.


This Earth, of which we are so proud, is simply one of the bits of fine dust that rotates in the firmament, and it is not even the biggest one. However, it is certainly the most corrupt one.


With a pulse of His Will, the Almighty has brought forth a multitude of worlds from nothing, and cast them as luminous fine dust into the cosmos. Lives upon lives teem in the millions of worlds which we joyfully gaze upon during a peaceful, clear evening. The Lord God would be a very small and limited Creator if He had created the Earth as the only inhabited world!


And when our spirits are rejoined to God, the perfection of the Most High will appear to us, and we will be able to see the wonders of those worlds.


Based on Maria Valtorta, the Notebooks 1943, pp. 262-263.


[Note: From the context and tone of the Lord, these 'lives' are most likely plant and animal lives. When He says the Earth is the most corrupt world, this might be hyperbole to emphasize the degradation of the Earth. At any rate, man is still the apex of Creation.  See below in the second part, where the Lord states that humans are perfect creatures "superior to all beings living in time and in the world.  As an aside, it is guaranteed that as soon as scientists discover life out there, they will proceed to dogmatically inform us as to how it must have “evolved.”]

The Lord, speaking to Simon Peter, explains to him that the Earth is an altar, a huge altar. Like the other worlds strewn in the Creation, it ought to sing psalms to its Creator. It was to be an altar of unceasing praise to God, but it has become full of sin. Therefore, it must also be an altar of endless reparation, expiation, and sacrifice. 


Imagine the stars, planets and comets as celestial creatures that sing the praises of the Creator in a vast temple. The Earth too, like the sky, sings with its winds, streams, breezes and the voices of birds and animals. But if the praises of the celestial creatures are sufficient for the vault of heaven, the unconscious singing of the of winds, waters and animals is not sufficient for the temple of the Earth. That is because on Earth there is also man “the perfect creature, superior to all beings living in time and in the world.” 


Man has been gifted with matter and with spirit, and is destined to know and possess God, through grace now and in Paradise later. He has a mission and a duty that should bring him joy – to love God. To love God intelligently and voluntarily, to repay the Creator’s love that He gave to man by granting him life and a heavenly future.


The Lord asks Peter to consider what benefit and profit does God get from His Creation? The Lord Himself provides the Apostle the answer – none. God is infinite and Creation does not make Him greater. But God, who is “God-Love,” wanted to have love. That is why He created. What He receives from Creation is love, intelligently and freely offered by angels and men. This love is the glory of God, the joy of the angels, and the religion of men.


The Earth must be the Temple that loves and prays through its human inhabitants. If the great altar of the Earth should omit its praises and love, it would cease to exist. This is because once love is extinguished, expiation would also cease, and the “wrath of God” would destroy an Earth that had become a hell. “So the Earth must love in order to exist.”


Based on Maria Valtorta’s Poem of the Man-God, chapter 553. 


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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Today, the salvation of the world is in Mary.

An overview of private revelations from Maria Valtorta’s Notebooks.


July 4, 1943. 


To those who in this world today still believe, Jesus says: “The salvation of the world is in Mary.”


We would tremble if we knew how God is withdrawing into the depths, in the face of the growing tide of crimes we commit. We are deicides, fratricides, lawbreakers, fornicators, thieves, and adulterers. We are a den of vice. We should tremble, but we have become fools. 


Previously, Jesus was the bridge between heaven and earth. But in the face of our obstinate evildoing, the Christ is withdrawing, just as He once withdrew from Jerusalem. For “the hour has not yet come,” and the Christ, awaiting His hour, is leaving us to our evil so that we may do it.


So now, Mary is the only bridge left. If she is also disdained as is her Son, we shall be crushed. For Jesus, the Son of God and Savior, will not allow the Woman, upon whom the Holy Spirit descended to conceive Him, to be disparaged. 


Mary clasps you to her breast, though you may be sick, unwashed and malnourished. But she cleanses you, nourishes you, and brings you to her First-Born, because she wants you to love Him. If it were not for the prayers and care of Mary, the human race would no longer exist! Jesus would have annulled it, for our way of life has touched, in truth, the depths of evil.


The Justice of God is wounded, and Divine Patience has passed all limits – punishment is at the ready. But Jesus, who can bring Paradise to its knees and make stars tremble, can do nothing against His Mother; for she is here, sheltering us under her mantle. 


He is her God, but He is also always her Baby. He rested on her Heart in the first sleep of His infancy, and at the sleep of His death. He knows all her secrets. Thus, He knows that punishing us would be a stabbing pain for Mary, the true mother of the human race, since she always hopes to lead us to her Son. He is her God, but she is His Mother. And Jesus, who is master of everything, is also the master in loving Mary.

Maria Valtorta at nineteen

June 19 and July 2, 1943.


The Mother does not differ from her Son, in neither human nature nor in the superhuman mission of the Redemption. Jesus, to touch the apex of pain, had to experience separation from His Father, in Gethsemane and on the Cross. This was pain carried to infinite heights and harshness. Mary too had to touch the apex of pain: during the three days of the Lord’s burial, she had to experience separation from her Son.


For on those days she was alone. She was left with faith, hope and charity, but her Son was absent. This was a sword that pierced and ransacked her Heart. To remain deprived of union with her Son and God was such a great agony for she who was Full of Grace, that a special grace was necessary to preserve her life. It was only by God’s will that she did not die from this separation. 


There are many secrets that we do not know concerning the life of the Most Pure Co-Redeemer. The secrets of Mary are in fact too pure and too divine for a human mind to know them and for man’s lips to repeat. In the Temple at Jerusalem only the Priest was allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was. But in the Temple of the Heavenly Jerusalem, wherein dwells the Most Holy Ark that is Mary His Mother, only God Himself may go in and know the secrets therein. 


But the Lord will point out one of them for us, just enough to increase our veneration for the “Holiest One in Heaven, after God:” 


This most painful hour of her separation from God, in the great sea of sorrows which was the life of His Mother, was needed to complete what was lacking in His Passion. Mary is the Co-Redeemer, consecrated for supreme sorrow and supreme joy by her conception. Her pain, therefore, had to be such that the pain of no other human creature could ever equal it, since everything in her is inferior only to God Himself. 


It is arduous to strive to imitate Mary, so ask her to help you. What is impossible for man is extremely possible with God – if asked for in Mary, with Mary, and through Mary.

Overview from Maria Valtorta, the Notebooks, 1943. Her three Notebooks are as important, if not more important, than the Poem of the Man-God. While in the Poem the Lord is speaking to the people of two thousand years ago, in the Notebooks, He speaks to the people of today. 


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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Padre Pio and The Poem of the Man-God.

It is known that Padre Pio possessed the gift of the perfume of sanctity. Many have said or written that they received this gift from him, over great distances and even after his death. One day in 1942 a certain warrant officer who pitied the great sufferings of Maria Valtorta, spoke to Padre Pio about her. At that time, in between periods of his own persecution, one was allowed to speak to the saintly Friar outside of confession. The officer asked Padre Pio to obtain for her the grace of healing, or at least of lessening the suffering of the poor woman. Padre Pio replied that yes, he knows she suffers, but if he can do anything it will be for her soul. “But I can do nothing for her body, to relieve her afflictions.”

When he returned home, the warrant officer went to see Maria and told her what Padre Pio had said. Maria asked him at what time on what day had he spoken to the Friar. The answer corresponded to the moment that a great wave of perfume was felt in Maria’s home. Maria wrote in her published Notebooks: “And when not dreaming, but wide awake, I have noticed his fragrance. No garden packed with fully-blossoming flowers can emit the heavenly scents which flooded my room on the night between July 25 and 26, 1941 or the afternoon of September 21. 1942, precisely while a friend of ours was speaking to Padre Pio about me (I did not know he had left for San Giovanni Rotondo). On both occasions I later obtained the graces requested. The scent was also perceived by Marta [her aide]. It was so intense that it woke her up. It then ceased all at once, as it had come all at once.” [from Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta, pp 63-65.]

In 1961 the Holy Office had nullified the provision forbidding The Poem of the Man-God to be read by the faithful after the first edition was placed on the “Index,” by specifically granting permission to publish a totally-renewed second edition. Hence, one day in 1967, one of the spiritual daughters of Padre Pio asked him in confession for his advice on whether she should read Maria’s books. The saint replied that he does not just advise her to read them, her orders her to do so. “Non te lo consiglio, ma te lo ordino!

Following is the complete letter written to the publisher of Maria’s books, in which the above incident is reported on page 68 of Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta:

For Dr. Emilio Pisani,

beloved in Jesus!

My name is Rosi Giordani, a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio. I am from Bologna, but have been living here for many years with my mother, who was born in 1887, like Maria Valtorta. Father has been at rest for twelve years in the cemetery of this town. In 1981 I was present with mother at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Florence [in which the remains of Maria Valtorta are venerated], for the anniversary of her death. I was with dear Domenico Fiorillo. I embraced Marta [Maria’s long-time aide and friend] and listened to her lovely talk.

I am writing particularly to tell you the following: a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio from the outset, Mrs. Elisa Lucchi, known as Malvina, from Forli, a year before Padre Pio’s death asked him in confession, “Father, I have heard mention of Maria Valtorta’s books. Do you advise me to read them?” Padre Pio replied, “I don’t advise you to – I order you to!”

San Giovanni Rotondo

January 7, 1989

Rosi Giordani

Following is a direct quote from the book Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta: “Padre Pio is said to have made a prediction one day concerning the recognition which Church authorities would grant to Maria Valtorta’s work. While the persecution persisted, he said, by way of reassurance, “Someone will come who will take care of everything.” [p.8.]

Could this prophecy of St. Pio refer to the 1362 page online opus A Summa and Encyclopedia to Maria Valtorta’s Extraordinary Work by Stephen Austin, updated in 2017? (Available Here.)

The following are some quotes from the Summa related to the Poem being placed on the Index:

Because the placement of the first edition of The Poem of the Man-God on the Index was not due to any errors against faith or morals, the reasons for why it was placed on the Index were deemed by the Holy Office in 1961 as no longer applicable and they approved its publication.”

. . . the Commissioner of the Holy Office, Fr. Giraudo, O.P., effectively repealed the 1959 censure of the Poem on the Index when he stated to Fr. Berti, in 1961: “Continue to publish this second edition. We will see how the world receives it.” In fact, even before Fr. Giraudo’s statement, Fr. Gabriel Roschini, Consultant of the Holy Office, stated in that same year that the new critical second edition of the Poem “was not to be considered to be on the Index, because it was totally renewed, conformed in all to the original, and provided with notes that removed any doubt and which demonstrated the solidity and orthodoxy of the work.”

Mr. Austin’s Summa refutes, and even utterly demolishes, the arguments put forth by the opponents of the Poem. There are some educated and well-meaning Catholics who oppose it, often because they have been misled by flawed articles about the Poem, and by excerpts taken out of context. A very few even stoop to personal attacks and innuendos about the authoress, Maria Valtorta, a woman who offered her sufferings, including the invisible stigmata, to the Lord as a victim-soul. 

Reference: Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta, by Emilio Pisani, Centro Editoriale Valtortiano, 2020.

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