Saturday, April 23, 2022

Today, the salvation of the world is in Mary.

An overview of private revelations from Maria Valtorta’s Notebooks.


July 4, 1943. 


To those who in this world today still believe, Jesus says: “The salvation of the world is in Mary.”


We would tremble if we knew how God is withdrawing into the depths, in the face of the growing tide of crimes we commit. We are deicides, fratricides, lawbreakers, fornicators, thieves, and adulterers. We are a den of vice. We should tremble, but we have become fools. 


Previously, Jesus was the bridge between heaven and earth. But in the face of our obstinate evildoing, the Christ is withdrawing, just as He once withdrew from Jerusalem. For “the hour has not yet come,” and the Christ, awaiting His hour, is leaving us to our evil so that we may do it.


So now, Mary is the only bridge left. If she is also disdained as is her Son, we shall be crushed. For Jesus, the Son of God and Savior, will not allow the Woman, upon whom the Holy Spirit descended to conceive Him, to be disparaged. 


Mary clasps you to her breast, though you may be sick, unwashed and malnourished. But she cleanses you, nourishes you, and brings you to her First-Born, because she wants you to love Him. If it were not for the prayers and care of Mary, the human race would no longer exist! Jesus would have annulled it, for our way of life has touched, in truth, the depths of evil.


The Justice of God is wounded, and Divine Patience has passed all limits – punishment is at the ready. But Jesus, who can bring Paradise to its knees and make stars tremble, can do nothing against His Mother; for she is here, sheltering us under her mantle. 


He is her God, but He is also always her Baby. He rested on her Heart in the first sleep of His infancy, and at the sleep of His death. He knows all her secrets. Thus, He knows that punishing us would be a stabbing pain for Mary, the true mother of the human race, since she always hopes to lead us to her Son. He is her God, but she is His Mother. And Jesus, who is master of everything, is also the master in loving Mary.

Maria Valtorta at nineteen

June 19 and July 2, 1943.


The Mother does not differ from her Son, in neither human nature nor in the superhuman mission of the Redemption. Jesus, to touch the apex of pain, had to experience separation from His Father, in Gethsemane and on the Cross. This was pain carried to infinite heights and harshness. Mary too had to touch the apex of pain: during the three days of the Lord’s burial, she had to experience separation from her Son.


For on those days she was alone. She was left with faith, hope and charity, but her Son was absent. This was a sword that pierced and ransacked her Heart. To remain deprived of union with her Son and God was such a great agony for she who was Full of Grace, that a special grace was necessary to preserve her life. It was only by God’s will that she did not die from this separation. 


There are many secrets that we do not know concerning the life of the Most Pure Co-Redeemer. The secrets of Mary are in fact too pure and too divine for a human mind to know them and for man’s lips to repeat. In the Temple at Jerusalem only the Priest was allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was. But in the Temple of the Heavenly Jerusalem, wherein dwells the Most Holy Ark that is Mary His Mother, only God Himself may go in and know the secrets therein. 


But the Lord will point out one of them for us, just enough to increase our veneration for the “Holiest One in Heaven, after God:” 


This most painful hour of her separation from God, in the great sea of sorrows which was the life of His Mother, was needed to complete what was lacking in His Passion. Mary is the Co-Redeemer, consecrated for supreme sorrow and supreme joy by her conception. Her pain, therefore, had to be such that the pain of no other human creature could ever equal it, since everything in her is inferior only to God Himself. 


It is arduous to strive to imitate Mary, so ask her to help you. What is impossible for man is extremely possible with God – if asked for in Mary, with Mary, and through Mary.

Overview from Maria Valtorta, the Notebooks, 1943. Her three Notebooks are as important, if not more important, than the Poem of the Man-God. While in the Poem the Lord is speaking to the people of two thousand years ago, in the Notebooks, He speaks to the people of today. 


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