The Right Rev. Mariann Budde, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Washington
St. Paul the Apostle
was right: “For God is not the God of dissension, but of peace: as
also I teach in all the churches of the saints. Let women keep
silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but
to be subject, as also the law saith. But if they would learn any
thing, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is a shame for a
woman to speak in the church. First Epistle of St. Paul to the
Corinthians, Chapter 14, 33-35.
From the pulpit of the Washington National Cathedral, "Bishop" Budde addressed President Trump directly.
Expecting spiritual refreshment from the Lord after the first sleepless nights of the start of his Presidency, Trump was personally and cruelly rebuked in front of his family. This disrespect has been celebrated by his antagonists.
Dear Divine Will Family!
It has been a long time, and I have
missed each one of you very much. I have kept you in my prayers
as much as i was able, but God knew you were there every second!
I pray all of you and your families are healthy and happy.
am pretty sure you are aware that I am in remission from brain cancer
and I only have God, His actions and your prayers guiding the doctors
to thank for my recovery. He is so very good and merciful to
all His children.
When I found out that I had brain
cancer, I can't tell you the joy that I experienced, believing at
that time, I would be dying. I was filled with joy and
expectations of seeing Jesus and Mary! I couldn't wait, I was
so excited! Of course, as It turned out, it was not God's time
for me to leave this body. His timing is always perfect and, as
disappointed as I was, I knew He knew better than I when the time
would be perfect. Fiat always, His Will alone be
What have I learned lying in bed, it seems
constantly, for the last 6 months or so? Love and
Forgiveness!! These two words are extremely important for us
who want to live in the Divine Will as God lives in It, deeply and
passionately! To LIVE and understand deeply what
love and forgiveness is
is to become
love and to forgive every soul,
the beginning of time til the end of time! We are all human and
we all make mistakes, we are not perfect and no one ever will be
perfect until God ordains it so. We must, and this is a must,
love everyone as deeply as God loves us,
if that is ever possible on earth. We must try our vert best to
live as God desires us to live with our brothers and sisters.
have had a hard time loving souls who are what I consider evil, but
God helped me a lot by showing me how to wipe away the evil that they
do, and just put God's love in their place....see them restored and
made new in and with His Holy Will! I can love all of them and
love them with a passion because they are now clean, made whole and
beautiful, as God desires us all to be! We can then offer them
all up to God for His Glory!! Its imperative to pray for all
souls! Who are we to exclude anyone? We are nobody!
We are nothing if we don't love all souls, past, present and future,
no matter who they are and what they have done!! That's how God
loves and until we become another little "god" by His
Grace, loving as He loves, forgiving as He forgives, we will not give
Him the glory and love that is due Him. He loves all of us most
tenderly, most passionately, most ardently!
Loving every
soul with tenderness and compassion as God loves is giving God the
glory we owe Him. May all be done for love of Him Who loves us
so much!
As a side note, I have several impairments from
this gift that God gave me which may help you understand why I have
not written to you or answered anyone's emails, or letters. It
is very difficult for me to see. My eyes have been affected by
the chemo or cancer, which the doctors said may clear up later.
It is all up to God....Fiat always! I have to have some one
read the letters to me and help me write back to them. I am
most happy to continue writing the emails as long as I have help, but
if not, it will be another Fiat! Praise God for the
much peace and joy the Fiat brings to all who love God's Holy
I know there are
beautiful and very great and knowledgeable souls out there now who
are learning so much about God and His Holy Will and are spreading
the knowledge rapidly, praise His Holy Will! I am excited for
all of you learning so much!
I hope you all know how much
I love each of you and keep you all in my daily prayers! Fiat
always! May His Holy Will come quickly!
comments on the Our Father and the Hail Mary prayers.
Father is
to your Father.
The Hail
is the
prayer to your Mother.”
is Speaking:
are all so weighed down by your humanity that you never know how to
pray by rising above the human, and you give the words of the prayer
only a relative sense. But prayer opens up infinite horizons, O sons.
Those horizons will be your dwelling, after returning to God — if
you have known how to keep your spirit in God and god in your spirit.
Even when you reflect on what you say — and it is
already much if you do this — you give yourselves the limited range
of the Earth and the flesh. With much difficulty do you raise your
mind beyond the present moment and your daily needs.
not shut your spirit up within the opaqueness of material things.
Your spirit is of God. And it should see God, know God, live from
God, in God. He is Life for your spirit. And if you separate yourself
from God with a fault, you kill your spirit;
if you keep it far from God, you make it feeble and quench it like a
lamp deprived of oil.
There is nothing that can keep your
heart saintly if it is not fused with the Saint of Saints. Science,
country, affections, works, become discouraging things which are
served with wretched service, if you take away from yourselves that
agent which makes you perfect in your sentiments and in your labors:
union with God.
inhabitants of this globe—who come from only a single stock and
from only one Creator — you hate each other among yourselves. As
citizens of a single Fatherland you are hostile among yourselves —
as if you were of a different race. As relatives and spouses you are
egotistical and unfaithful. And why? Because you have forgotten God,
Who does not crush you under the avalanche of your copious human laws
and human instruction, but Who summarizes all His law and His perfect
instruction in these words only:
"Love God with your whole self and your neighbor as yourself"
This is the summary of the whole Divine Law and the font of every
good of earth and beyond the earth. But you do not put it into
practice. And from that come the chastisements which strike
Maria [Valtorta] — you who love the Divine Light
more than yourself, and feel you are happy the more it penetrates
into you—today I want you to know the supernatural meaning of a
phrase that you say, but do not understand well.
As the
be said with supernatural reference — and foolish would he be who
said it while applying to it only a human meaning and human request —
so the
should be said, not with your mind fixed on the Earth and on your
flesh — which is dust that will return to dust — but should be
said with your spirit lifted toward Heaven, beyond life, beyond the
is where Most Holy Mary, My Mother and yours, lives in body and soul
after having lived on Earth with Her soul always soaring into
Father is
to your Father.
The Hail
is the
prayer to your Mother.
The first part of the
is praise of God. The first part of the Hail
is praise to Mary.
The second part of the Our
a request — to the Father — for all your needs as sons
of God, in your temporary stop on Earth, but destined for Heaven. The
second part of the Hail
is a request — of your Mother — for your needs as mortals and as
immortals in your
Your Mother should be invoked like your Father.
You should not think that She is without Mercy and Power and cannot
help you in your battles, in your pains, and in your needs and
One must know how to pray. And one must know
how to pray in moments of peace, in order to invoke help in the hours
of struggle.
He is a fool who says:
"When the time comes I will do it." Do you know if you will
be able to do it then? If God will give you time to do it?
Necessities, misfortunes, and even death, often come like a sudden
lightning flash. Death is sometimes like a thunderbolt that strikes
The Mercy of God is infinite. But it is said
in the words of the Law:
"Do not tempt the Lord your God" [Deut
And, truly, you do tempt Him when you lead a life completely
without thinking of what awaits you in the Beyond, in which you will
be judged for your actions.
In the
Mary it
is said:
for us now and in the hour of death." Here, Maria. Let us read
together these words which many, too many, say with their mind lifted
by only one degree from the mud of Earth. With their heart they worry
about the unknown only at their last moment — a moment which makes
them fear because they are not sufficiently "sons of God".
If they were and perfectly so, death would cause no fear.
is the last trial. And it merits all your attention, so that it
becomes a "death in the Lord". For you, a death in the Lord
merits every pardon, gives eternal life in the Lord, and with its
power annuls the consequences of even a culpable existence. So you
have done well up till now to invoke My Mother and yours for that
hour, and in that hour. But know how to pray better. Not just from
of that
hour, but for so many other hours in which true
death looms over you.
have already explained to you many times, Maria, what that true
death is. It is that of the spirit. And you all kill your spirit so
often, if not always by your direct will,
certainly through indifference toward that most select part of
the soul.
the Our
I instructed you to say: "Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the Evil
[one]". In
the Hail
I make you say: "Pray for us now and in the hour of
this is the
present, which lasts but a moment of eternity. It is the life of the
flesh waylaid by sickness, accidents, by the very course of time
itself which brings you to the "mouth" of your life as men,
and sends you into eternity.
the hour of death":
hour which stops your heart, and that hour — always threatening —
which paralyzes your spirit and leads it to death.
I want
you to think of this
when you invoke Most Holy Mary. From the first death you will rise
again if you have died in Christ. But from the second you will never
rise again.
Do not cause the infernal Enemy, the
fascinating Serpent, the roaring Lion who always prowls around you to
knock you down — do not cause him to seize hold of you like sure
prey. So that even though you are now alive, you are already of those
dead in spirit.
Mary is the Conqueress of Satan, and
gleam of Her smile suffices to put him to flight. Against the snares
of Satan and the weakness and appetites of the flesh, call on
If you invoke Her for that sleep from which you
immediately awake, or about heavenly peace or infernal damnation —
both these latter two being eternal — why should you not invoke Her
atrocious sleep which brings death:
the death of the fallen spirit — a sleep which, if not conquered,
extinguishes you in the arms of Satan?
When death prowls
around your spirit, let these invocations, made to Mary with the
fullness of their significance, rise up as a defense. Every time the
hour of spiritual death looms over you, pray to the universal Mother:
for all Her poor children;
for the spirit of these Her poor children;
for that
spirit made and given to creatures by that same God Who had created
and chosen Her for His Spouse and Mother.
Pray for that spirit made and given in order to make these
creatures Her children, and subjects of His eternal Kingdom.
all of you there is the most pure and beloved Blood. That Blood which
came from Her Immaculate Heart, and which has been the Seed for the
Flower born of the love of God with the Virgin, and of Her perfect
obedience to the Divine Will. It is the Seed of Me, the Word, become
flesh in order to be Master and Redeemer, whence to be able to wash
you in His Blood, wholly poured out for you all. And upon all of
you there is also all the weeping of Mary, My Mother and yours:
another washing of
Her co-redemption.
Her nature as Mother of the Savior, She has the power of salvation.
Invoke Her with true faith and She will save you:
now, and at the hour of death.
on an English translation made especially for the entry of Nov. 8,
1944 in Maria Valtorta’s Little
Notebooks [The Quadernetti].
Valtorta, Quadernetti
(Edizioni Pisani / Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Via Po 95,
03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italia, 2006):
Jesus personally addresses His
Father in the Lord’s Prayer. “Forgive
Your Son, o Father, if I wronged You in any way. I may also seem
imperfect to Your Perfection, I, Your Christ, burdened by flesh.”
evening of the Wednesday before Passover. Last Teachings to the
now let us pray together. This is the last evening we can pray thus,
all united like grapes to the bunch supporting them. Come. Let us
pray. "Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
them that trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. Amen. "
be Thy Name." Father, I have hallowed it. Have mercy on Your
Kingdom come." I am dying in order to establish it. Have mercy
on Me.
will be done." Support My weakness, You Who created the flesh of
man and clothed Your Word with it, that I may obey You down here as I
have always obeyed You in Heaven. Have mercy on the Son of man.
us our Bread"... A bread for the soul. A bread not of this
Earth. I do not ask it for Myself. I need only Your spiritual
comfort. But I, the Beggar, stretch out My hand for them. Before long
it will be pierced and nailed, and it will no longer be able to make
a gesture of love. But it can still do it now. Father, grant Me to
give them the Bread that daily fortifies the weakness of the poor
children of Adam. They are weak, Father, they are inferior, because
they do not have the Bread that is strength, the angelical Bread that
spiritualizes man and leads him to be deified in Us.
us our trespasses"...»
Who has spoken standing and has prayed with His arms stretched out,
now kneels down and raises His arms and face to Heaven. A face made
wan by the effort of the supplication and by the kiss of the moon,
furrowed by silent tears.
Your Son, o Father, if I wronged You in any way. I may also seem
imperfect to Your Perfection, I, Your Christ, burdened by flesh. To
men... no. My conscious intellect assures Me that I have done
everything for them. But forgive Your Jesus... I also forgive. I
forgive, that You may forgive Me. How much I have to forgive! How
much!... And yet I forgive. Those who are present here, the disciples
who are absent, those whose hearts are deaf, My enemies, mockers,
traitors, killers, deicides... Here. I have forgiven the whole of
Mankind. With regard to Me, o Father, consider remitted all debts of
man to the Man. I am dying in order to give Your Kingdom to
and I do not want the sin against the Love incarnate to be imputed to
them as condemnation. No? Are You saying no? It is My grief. This
"no" is pouring the first sip of the bitter chalice into My
heart. But Father, Whom I have always obeyed, I say to You: "Thy
will be done".
us not into temptation". Oh! if You want, You can drive the
demon away from us! He is the temptation that incites flesh, minds,
hearts. He is the Seducer. Turn him away, Father! Your archangel in
our favor! To put to flight him who lays snares for us from our birth
to our death!... Oh! Holy Father, have mercy on Your children!
us, deliver us from evil!" You can. We are weeping here...
Heaven is so beautiful and we are afraid of losing it. You say: "My
Blood cannot lose it". But I want You to see the Man in Me, the
Firstborn of men. I am their brother. I pray for them and with them.
Father, mercy! Oh! mercy!. ..»
bends with His face on the ground. He then stands up. «Let us go.
Let us say goodbye to one another this evening. It will no longer be
possible tomorrow evening. We shall be too upset. And there is no
love where there is perturbation. Let us kiss one another with the
kiss of peace. Tomorrow... tomorrow each of you will belong to
himself... This evening we can still be one for all and all for one.»
He kisses them, one by one, beginning from Peter, then Matthew,
Simon, Thomas, Philip, Bartholomew, the Iscariot, His two cousins,
James of Zebedee, Andrew and last John, on whom He leans while
leaving Gethsemane.
597 in the Gospel
as Revealed to Me:
The Night of the Wednesday before Passover. Last Teachings to the
Padre Pio and You, the highly anticipated book by Mary O'Regan, is now available for pre-order from the publisher, Sophia Press, at this link:
Here is my review of her book:
O’Regan’s new book is quite aptly titled Padre
Pio and You,
because she takes the reader on a personal journey that relives both
the external events and the inner life of this great saint. True, it
is a complete biography of St. Pio, but it is much more than that.
Chapter after chapter, the author underscores the relationship
between Padre Pio’s life experiences and their practical
application to the spiritual journey of the reader.
In the theater,
an imaginary “fourth wall” is spoken of, that separates the
actors on the stage from the people in the audience – there is no
interaction between the two groups. But in O’Regan’s book Padre
Pio reaches out to the reader, crossing that invisible line. For
example after relating a typical incident from the Saint’s life,
she writes: “There is a beautiful instruction here for you and me.”
And she will indicate just what that instruction might be. Another
example: “His prayers for Amalia [who was childless] meant she
bore a son. There may be an Amalia in our lives who longs for a
little one. If so, ask Pio’s intercession.”
was particularly impressed by her chapter on Padre Pio’s deep
devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It
begins with the 1959 visit of the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of
Fatima to Italy, which culminated in the miraculous cure of a
seriously ill Padre Pio, as the statue circled his friary in a
helicopter over San Giovanni Rotondo. She illustrates St. Pio’s
famous attachment to praying the Rosary with such pithy anecdotes as:
“A friar who lived with Pio recounted how he had to help Padre Pio
wash his hands one at a time – not both hands at once – because
he would pray on his left hand while the right was being washed!” As for the author’s personal advice to the reader on praying the
Rosary: “We may find it very enlightening that Padre Pio said,
“Mary is present in every mystery of the Rosary”. We, too, may
invite Our Lady’s presence into our lives when we offer a decade of
the Rosary.”
a thorough look at Padre Pio’s entire lifetime, from his parents
and childhood to his passing in 1968, this book is invaluable. St.
Pio’s relationship with the reigning Popes, those that opposed him
and those that favored him….his miracles, the stigmata, charismatic
gifts such as reading of souls, his amazing Holy Mass, relations with
angels and souls in purgatory, his confessional, his conversions and
his persecutors, his letters, hospital and prayer groups….it is all
presented in this wonderful book. But possibly even more significant
is the practical spiritual direction that the author imparts, which
can be life-changing for the reader. As the author of several Padre
Pio books myself, I can highly recommend Mary O’Regan’s opus.
Lord is speaking to His Apostles after His Resurrection.
those who humiliate you.”
stretches out His arms in His usual attitude of prayer and intones: «
Our Father Who art in Heaven. » He stops and comments: « That He is
a Father is proved to you by the fact that He has forgiven you. [The
Apostles had fled after He was arrested]. You, obliged to be perfect
more than anybody else, you, who have received so many favors, and
so, as you say, unsuited for the mission, which Lord, who were not
your Father, would not have punished you? I have not punished you.
The Father has not punished you. Because the Son does what the Father
does, because the Father does what the Son does, as we are one only
Divinity united in Love [...]. So, when I shall have gone, and in
this manner you will pray: our, My, your Father, whereby we are
brothers, I the first-born, you, the younger brothers, be always
willing to see also Me in My Father and yours.
willing to see the Word, Who was "the Master" for you, and
loved you even to accepting death and beyond death, leaving Himself
to you in food and drink, so that you may be in Me and I in you as
long as the exile lasts, and then you and I in the Kingdom, for which
I taught you to pray, saying: "Thy Kingdom come", after you
have implored that your work may sanctify the Name of the Lord,
giving Him glory on Earth and in Heaven. Yes. There would be no
Kingdom for you in Heaven, the Kingdom for those who will believe
like you, if first you did not want the Kingdom of God in yourselves
through the real practice of the Law of God and of My word, which is
the perfecting of the Law, having given, in the time of Grace, the
Law of the chosen ones, that is, of those who are, beyond the civil,
moral, religious constitutions of the Mosaic time, already in the
spiritual Law of the time of Christ.
see what it is to have the closeness of God, but not God in you; what
it is to have the word of God, but not the real practice of that
word. Man has committed every crime by having God close to him, but
not in his heart; by having the knowledge of the word, but not the
obedience to it. Everything! Everything because of that. Dullness and
delinquency, deicide, betrayal, tortures, the death of the Innocent
and of His Cain, everything has come through that. And yet, who was
loved by Me like Judas? But he did not have Me-God in his heart. And
he is the damned deicide, infinitely guilty as an Israelite and as a
disciple, as a suicide and a deicide, in addition to his seven deadly
sins and every other sin of his.
can now have the Kingdom of God in yourselves more easily, because I
have obtained it for you with My death. I have redeemed you with My
sorrow. Bear that in your minds. So let no one trample on Grace,
because it cost the life and the Blood of a God. So let the Kingdom
of God be in you, men, through Grace; let it be on the Earth, through
the Church, let it be in Heaven, for the blessed souls who, having
lived with God in their hearts, united to the Body of which Christ is
the Head, united to the Vine of which every Christian is a branch,
deserve to rest in the Kingdom of Him for Whom all things have been
made: Me, Who am speaking to you and Who have given Myself to the
Will of the Father, so that everything might be accomplished.
can therefore teach you, without hypocrisy, that you must say: "Thy
Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven". How I have done the
will of My Father can be told even by the clods of earth, by plants,
by flowers, by the stones in Palestine, by My wounded Body and by a
whole population. Do as I did. To the very end. Even unto death on a
cross, if God so wishes. Because, remember, I have done it, and there
is no disciple who deserves mercy more than I do. And yet I have
consumed the greatest sorrow. And yet I have obeyed with perpetual
renunciations. You know. You will understand even more in future when
you resemble Me drinking a draft at My chalice… Let this thought be
constantly present to you: "Through His obedience to the Father,
He saved us".
if you want to be saviors, do what I have done. There will be some
who will be acquainted with the cross, some with the tortures of
tyrants, some with the torture of love, some with the exile from
Heaven, to which they will tend until a very late age before
ascending there. Well, in everything let the will of God be done.
Consider that the torment of death or the torment of life, while you
would like to die to come where I am, are the same in the eyes of
God, if they are suffered with cheerful obedience. They are His Will.
So they are holy.
us this day our daily bread". Day by day, hour by hour. It is
faith. It is love. It is obedience. It is humility. It is hope, this
asking for the bread for one day, and accepting it as it is. Sweet
today, bitter tomorrow, much, little, with spices or with ashes.
Always as it is just. God, Who is a Father, gives it. So it is good.
time I will speak to you of the other Bread, which it would be
healthy to eat every day, and to pray the Father to keep it […].
Pray the Father that He may defend His Bread and give you it.
us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us".
Since you are all sinners, be meek with sinners. Remember My words:
"Why do you observe the splinter in your brother's eye, if first
you do not take the plank out of your own eye?" That Spirit that
I infused into you, that order that I gave you, grant you the
authority to remit the sins of your neighbor, in the name of God […].
Forgive those who offend you, in order to be forgiven and to be
entitled to absolve or to condemn. He who is without sin can do so
with full justice. He who does not forgive, while he is in sin and
feigns to be scandalized, is a hypocrite and Hell awaits him.
Because, if there is still mercy for wards, severe will be the
verdict against the guardians of wards, guilty of the same or greater
sins, although they had the fullness of the Spirit to assist them.
us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil". That is
humility, the fundamental stone of perfection. I solemnly tell you to
bless those who humiliate you, because they give you what is
necessary for your celestial thrones. No. Temptation is not a ruin,
if man remains humbly near the Father and asks Him not to allow
Satan, the world and the flesh to triumph over him. The crowns of the
blessed souls are adorned with the gems of the temptations they
overcame. Do
not look for them. But do not be cowards when they come. Humble, and
thus strong, shout to My Father and yours: "Deliver us from
evil", and you will defeat evil. And you will really sanctify
the Name of God with your deeds, as I said at the beginning, because
every man, when seeing you, will say: "God exists, because they
live as gods, so perfect is their behavior", and they will come
to God, multiplying the citizens of the Kingdom of God.
down, that I may bless you and My blessing may open your minds to
meditate. » They prostrate themselves on the ground and He blesses
them, then He disappears, as if He were absorbed by a moonbeam.
Shortly afterwards the apostles raise their heads, surprised at not
hearing any more words, and they realize that Jesus has disappeared…
They prostrate themselves again with their faces on the ground, in
the age-old fear of every Israelite who experiences the sensation of
having been in touch with God, as He is in Heaven.
on Chapter 626, Volume 5 of The
Gospel as Revealed to Me,
by Maria Valtorta.
Valtorta was an Italian Catholic writer and mystic. Bedridden for a
large part of her life, she was a Franciscan Third Order member and a
lay member of the Servants of Mary. Maria was born on March 14, 1897
in Caserta, a city near Naples, where her father Giuseppe’s cavalry
regiment was stationed. Giuseppe Valtorta was a warrant officer in
the regiment. He was a devoted father to Maria, who was an only
child. In contrast, her mother, Iside Fioravanzi, who was a French
teacher, was often severe and even cruel to both her husband and her
her youth, Valtorta traveled around Italy due to her father's
military career and the family eventually settled in Viareggio. In
1920, aged 23, while she was walking on a street with her mother, a
delinquent youth struck her in the back with an iron bar for no
apparent reason. In 1934, the injury confined her to bed for the
remaining 28 years of her life. Her spiritual life was influenced by
reading the autobiography of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and, in 1925,
at the age of 28, before becoming bedridden, she offered herself to
God as a victim soul. From 23 April 1943, until 1951 she produced
pages in 122 notebooks, mostly detailing the life of Jesus in his
hidden life, public life, and his Passion.
handwritten notebooks containing close to 700 supernaturally
experienced episodes in the life of Jesus were typed on separate
pages by her priest and reassembled, becoming the basis of her
10-volume book The
Gospel as Revealed to Me.
The remaining pages were published in three volumes as The
She also wrote an autobiography. Valtorta lived most of her life in
Viareggio, where she died on October 12, 1961.
is buried at the grand cloister of the Basilica of Santissima
Annunziata in Florence. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith gave permission to Emilio Pisani at the Centro Editoriale
Valtortiano (the publishing house of Maria Valtorta’s works) to
continue publishing her work as it is without modifications. In a
letter dated May 6, 1992 addressed to Pisani, Bishop Dionigi
Tettamanzi, secretary to the Italian Episcopal Conference, gave
permission for the work to continue to be published for the “true
good of readers and in the spirit of the genuine service to the faith
of the Church.”
Impatience is never a factor contributing to success. [...] Fears about the future display imperfection in the three theological virtues. God can raise up anywhere - and especially in the most unexpected places and beings - what is necessary for a child of His who entrusts himself or herself to Him. [...] It is not enough to say "His Will," but one must do it after it has been expressed.
Jesus to Maria Valtorta, Nov. 15, 1945.
From The Notebooks 1945-1950, page 117.