Friday, July 23, 2021

Pope Francis Falls Into His Own Trap


Here are some excerpts from a communication of July 22 from the Superior General of the SSPX, Fr. Don Davide Pagliarani. This letter is not long and is worth taking a few minutes to read. In it he explains, in the third excerpt presented below, why I believe that Pope Francis has fallen into his own trap. In his attempt to marginalize the Ancient Tridentine Mass, demoralize its supporters, and to foster its extinction, he has only made its adherents stronger and more committed. Of course the Missal of 1962 used by the SSPX is not truly the Tridentine Mass, but it is close enough as far as the progressivists are concerned.  

Full text of letter Here.

“First of all, we must remember that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the continuation in time of the most bitter struggle that has ever existed: the battle between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. This combat culminated at Calvary in the triumph of Our Blessed Lord. It was for this struggle and it was for this victory that he became incarnate. Since Our Lord's victory was through the Cross and through His Precious Blood, it is understandable that its perpetuation will also be marked by conflicts and contradictions.”

“This battle that has been waged for the past fifty years, which has just seen a highly significant event on July 16th is not a simple war between two rites: it is indeed a war between two different and opposing conceptions of the Catholic Church and of Christian life - conceptions that are absolutely irreducible and incompatible with each other. In paraphrasing Saint Augustin, one could say that the two Masses have built two cities: the Mass of All Times has built a Christian city; the New Mass seeks to build a humanist and secular city.”

“Since Almighty God has allowed all this, it is certainly for a greater good. Firstly for ourselves, who have the undeserved good fortune of knowing the Tridentine Mass and who can benefit from it! We possess a treasure with a value we do not always appreciate, and which we perhaps preserve too much out of simple habit. When something precious is attacked or scorned, we begin to appreciate better its true value. May this "shock", provoked by the harshness of the official texts of July 16th serve to renew, deepen and rediscover our attachment to the Tridentine Mass!”

“It is to Our Lady of Sorrows that we entrust these intentions. It is to her that we address our prayers, since no one has penetrated deeper than Our Blessed Lady, the mystery of the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His victory on the Cross. There is no one greater than Mary who has been so intimately associated with His sufferings and His triumph.”

Menzingen, July 22nd, 2021
Feast of Saint Mary Magdalen
Don Davide Pagliarani, Superior General 



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