Sunday, March 19, 2023

Benito Mussolini is in Heaven?

The website Mystics of the Church, maintained by Glenn Dallaire, says this about Edvige Carboni:


The Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, (1880-1952) Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul & Laywoman. On November 8, 2018 Pope Francis approved the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, thereby giving the green light for the beatification of this extraordinary mystic.


Edvige wrote in her diary: “While I was praying in front of the Crucifix, a person appeared to me suddenly all in flames, a heard a voice say, 


‘I am Benito Mussolini. The Lord has allowed me to come to you in order to get some relief from my sufferings in purgatory. I beg you as an act of charity to offer for me all your prayers, sufferings and humiliations for two years, if your director allows it. God’s mercy is infinite but so is His justice. One cannot enter Heaven until one has paid the last penny of the debt owed to Divine Justice. Purgatory is terrible for me because I waited until the last moment to repent.’


On spring day in 1951, Jesus told me after Holy Communion: This morning the soul of Benito Mussolini has entered into Heaven.’”


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My the Lord be praised for his Mercy and forgiveness when we are truly repentant. 

1 comment:

  1. The austrian mystic Maria Simma who had the gift to frequently meet some holy souls of the Purgatory was asked by the family of marshall Herman Göring if he had been saved after he killed himself just before being executed, after his sentencing in Nuremberg. After a few days a holy soul went to reply her that yes, he was in the Purgatory.
