Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Too Much Wrath

From the words I hear, I gather that there has been an incident between the usual Pharisees and Jesus and that the people are upset because of that. Jesus in fact is exhorting them to be peaceful and to forgive, saying that the word of God cannot bear fruit in hearts which are upset.


« We cannot bear You to be insulted » shouts someone from the crowd.


« Leave it to My Father and yours and imitate Me. Be patient, and forgive. Enemies are not convinced by returning insult for insult.»


« They are not convinced either by continual meekness. You are letting them tread upon You » shouts the Iscariot.


« My apostle, do not cause scandal by setting an example of wrath and criticism.»


« Your apostle, however, is right. His words are just.»


« The heart which utters them is not just, neither is the heart which listens to them. He who wants to be My disciple must imitate Me. I tolerate and I forgive. I am meek, humble and peaceful. The children of wrath cannot stay with Me, because they are the children […] of their passions. […] 


I do not love cruel people. I do not love proud people. I do not love wrathful, greedy, lustful people. I have not confirmed by word or set an example for you of such things, on the contrary I have always taught you the virtues which are the opposite of such evil passions. 


How beautiful is the prayer of our king David, when, re-sanctified by sincere repentance of past sins and by years of wise behavior, he praised the Lord, meek and resigned to the decree by which he was not allowed to be the builder of the new Temple! [...]


Then, in His habitual tone, Jesus resumes: « You must always remember that everything is in the hands of God, every enterprise, every victory. Magnificence, power, glory and victory belong to the Lord. And He grants this or that thing to man, if He deems that it is the right time to grant it for a certain good purpose. But man cannot pretend anything. God did not allow David to build the Temple, although he had been forgiven, as he was still in need of victory over himself, after his past errors: “You have shed much blood and fought too many battles; it is not for you to build a house for My Name since you have shed so much blood in My presence. But a son will be born to you and he will be a man of peace... he will therefore be named Peaceful (1)... he shall build a house for My Name.” That is what the Most High said to His servant David. I say the same to you. Are you willing, because of your wrath, not to deserve to build in your hearts the house for the Lord your God? 


Reject, therefore, every feeling which is not love. Have perfect hearts, as David invoked for his son, the builder of the Temple, so that, by keeping My commandments and doing every thing according to what I taught you, you may succeed in building within your hearts the abode of your God, while waiting to go yourselves to His eternal joyful house. […] 


The misfortunes of the Fatherland, the sorrows of fellow-citizens must always grieve those who are just. Do not measure as other people do, but as God measures, that is, mercifully. What are you, therefore, to do with respect to this Fatherland and these fellow-countrymen, whether by Fatherland and fellow-countrymen you mean the great Fatherland and its inhabitants, the whole of Palestine, or this little one, that is, Capernaum, your hometown, whether you mean all the Hebrews, or these few, who are hostile to Me, in this little town of Galilee? 


You must accomplish deeds of love. Endeavor to save Fatherland and fellow-countrymen. How? Perhaps through violence? With scorn? No. By love, by patient love to convert them to God. [...] “If I find one man who does right, I will pardon him.” Strive, therefore, so that hearts may come to justice and become just. […] It is love which you must hand down to posterity and inflame. And to do that you must be inflamed. You must be convinced, heroically convinced, in order to convince. In place of ill manners, in reply to insults, you must have humility and love. And with them you must go and remind of the words of the Lord those who no longer remember them: “We must fear the Lord Who gives us the rain of the early and later season.”»


« They would not understand us! On the contrary they would offend us saying that we are sacrilegious, teaching without the right to do it. You know who are the scribes and Pharisees!...»


« Yes. I know. But even if I had not known, I would know now. But it does not matter what they are. It matters what we are. If they and priests clap their hands to false prophets who prophesy what gives them some profit, forgetting that hands should be clapped only to the good deeds which the Decalogue commands, that is no reason why my faithful believers should imitate them or feel discouraged and just stand looking, as if they had been defeated. [...]


« You must work as hard as Evil works, to build within you and around you the house of the Lord, as I was saying at the beginning. You must act with great holiness so that God may descend again into hearts and on our dear Fatherland, which is already punished so severely and does not know which clouds of misfortune are piling up for her in the north, in the strong country which already rules over us [Rome] and will rule more and more, because the deeds of citizens are such as to disgust the Most Kind Lord and to arouse the strong ruler. And with the indignation of God and of the ruler, do you expect perhaps to have peace and welfare?


Be good, children of God. Strive to have not one, but hundreds of good people in Israel, to ward off the dreadful punishments of Heaven. I told you at the beginning that where there is no peace, there can be no word of God, which heard peacefully may yield fruit in hearts. [...] There is too much agitation in hearts...» 


1) Peace is shalom; « Solomon » is derived from it


From Chapter 445 of The Poem of the Man-God, by Maria Valtorta. 


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Friday, January 27, 2023

Virgin of Revelation (Tre Fontane) prophecy of atomic war


Bruno Cornacchiola is the seer of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin at Tre Fontane. Her first appearance to him was on April 12, 1947, when she announced that she is the Virgin of the Revelation. Tre Fontane lies just outside of Rome, and is the site of the martyrdom of the Apostle St. Paul. 


As happens often to seers, the Blessed Virgin continued to appear to him throughout his life, until his passing in 2001.


The author Saverio Gaeta had full access to all of his papers and writings, and reported many significant episodes and further revelations to Bruno is his book, Il Vegente, from which the following is taken. On March 12, 1983, Bruno wrote down these words of the Blessed Virgin:

Love one another. It is time for real love, so that you may avoid a great environmental disaster: a war that is more powerful and more destructive than the two last world wars. His Holiness has to go as a repentant pilgrim to the Tre Fontane grotto and ask the political and religious authorities of the whole world to consecrate all the nations to my Immaculate Heart of a Mother. This will be the last opportunity that the mercy of God sends you out of His patient love. Danger is on your doorstep, an atomic war....and if you do not heed my words and do what I say, the result will be inevitable. Men who are reckless, irresponsible and proudly full of satanic arrogance want the whole world to be in their hands. They never think of the Heavenly Kingdom. How much effort goes into achieving peace; but they do not prepare for peace, in fact, without the least caution they prepare for destruction. I am talking to all of you...atomic weapons are ready to be used, men without any form of conscience are threatening to use them and this danger is much closer than you think.”


Our Lady's appeal continued:


I have been trying to warn you for many years but you are not listening to me. My Son, however, by an act of mercy is still leaving you (because of my own intervention) a period of time for you to reflect in your conscience. The radioactive rain will pollute everything, from the plants to the water and from the animals to man. That is why you must reflect because it can be avoided, as I already told you on 12 April 1947, and also on other occasions in years gone by. The atmosphere itself will burn everything that is still left behind and you will not be able to breathe. You may call it the apocalypse, but it is actually a revelation that will come to pass if you do not convert. You will continue to be more and more exposed to physical and spiritual dangers which mean mortal danger for your soul, your spirit and your body. And you certainly won't find salvation in a bunker. 


That is why I urge you to instead seek refuge within the Church, which is my child, created by my Son for the salvation of all the world; but you must do acts of true penance and stay away from sins of the flesh. Detach yourselves from the world and sanctify yourselves with holy things. Pray, my children, pray with faith and you will be saved from satin’s hell that has come among you. It is with a Mother's love that I am asking you, so please listen to me!”




The Doomsday Clock moves to 90 seconds to midnight, signaling more peril than ever


WHO updates critical medicines list for radiological and nuclear emergencies


Ukraine war: Zelenskyy 'not interested' in meeting 'nobody' Putin for peace talks


Do not just wait for divine intervention, Our Prayers are the Divine Intervention!


Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.



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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mother Mary was exempted from the pains of childbirth.


The Blessed Virgin Mary said to Maria Valtorta:


« If My presence [at the Visitation] had sanctified the Baptist, it did not nullify for Elizabeth the sentence against Eve. “You shall give birth to your children in pain” the Eternal Father had said. Only I, because I was without stain, and I had not had any human copulation, was exempted from generating with pain. Sadness and pain are fruits of fault. I, Who was the Innocent One, had to know also sorrow and sadness, because I was the Co-Redeemer. But I did not know the torture of generating. No. I did not know that torture.


But believe Me, daughter, that there never was, and never will be a torture of puerpery [childbirth] like Mine as the Martyr of a spiritual Maternity, which was accomplished on the hardest of beds, the bed of My cross, at the foot of the scaffold of My dying Son. Which mother is compelled to generate thus? To blend the torture of Her bowels […] because of the death rattle of Her dying Creature, with the torture which tears Her bowels apart in the strain of overcoming the horror of having to say: “I love you, come to Me Who am your Mother” to each murderer of Her Son, born of the most sublime love that Heaven ever saw, of the love of a God with a virgin, of the kiss of Fire, of the embrace of Light which became Flesh, and made the womb of a woman the Tabernacle of God?


How much pain to be a mother!” says Elizabeth. So much! But nothing when compared to Mine. “Let me press my hands on Your belly.” Oh, if you always asked Me for that when you suffer! I am the Eternal Bearer of Jesus. He is in My womb [...] like the Host in the monstrance. Who comes to Me, finds Him. Who leans on Me, touches Him. Who addresses Me, speaks to Him. I am His Dress. He is My Soul. My Son is united to His Mother more, much more now, than He was in the nine months that He was in My womb. 


And every pain is appeased, every hope flourishes and every grace flows for those who come to Me and rest their heads against My bosom. I pray for you. Remember that. The beatitude of being in Heaven, living in the ray of God, does not cause Me to forget My children who are suffering on the earth. And I pray. And all Heaven prays, because Heaven loves.


Heaven is living charity. And Charity has mercy on you. But even if I were all by Myself, My prayer would be sufficient for the needs of those who hope in God. Because I never stop praying for you all, for the holy and the wicked, to give joy to the holy, to give repentance to the wicked that they might be saved. Come, come, o children of My sorrow. I am waiting for you at the foot of the Cross to grant you graces. »

From Maria Valtorta’s The Poem of the Man-God, Volume One, chapter 23, “The Birth of the Baptist.” The new edition of this book is titled The Gospel as Revealed to Me


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Monday, January 16, 2023

The Miraculous Birth of Our Lord

Is the Holy Shroud a testimony of the Lord’s conception and birth, as well as of His Passion and death? It seems so, for this is what He told Maria Valtorta on May 20, 1949:


My Turin Shroud, O Maria, for whoever is able to see, is not just a testimony that I truly died and rose again, but also testifies to the way I was conceived and born, not according to the laws of humanity. It is thus a confirmation of the truths that my Religion teaches: my being conceived through the action of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Maternity of Mary, her perpetual virginity, my passion and death, and my glorious resurrection. But this is confirmation for those to whom it is granted to see, in the light of God.” (The Notebooks, 1945-1950; May 20, 1949, p. 524.)


My attention to this Notebook entry was aroused by the statements of Catholic author Bertolami Ugo in his study entitled “The Shroud in the light of Maria Valtorta's writings,” available at academia.edu Here


After presenting the above quote from Maria, Bertolami writes: 


Now to explain what Jesus means to refer to, I have reached the conclusion (and not only I) that Jesus is referring to the fact that the Shroud’s image lacks the mark of a navel, as can be seen on the crucifix of Msgr. Ricci and on the image of the Shroud’s thorax. (Tamburelli, G. 1980.) 


Adam, in many Medieval paintings, is represented without a navel. Jesus was born without injuring Our Lady’s virginity. This is confirmed many times in Jesus’ dictations to Maria Valtorta and is confirmed by the vision St. Bridget received. Correctly, Msgr. Ricci too, when reconstructing the crucifix on the basis of the Shroud, did not put a navel. 


In describing the birth of the Lord, Valtorta writes:


     “The light is given off more and more intensely from Mary’s body, it absorbs the moonlight. She seems to be drawing to Herself all the light that can descend from Heaven. She is now the Depository of the Light. She is to give this light to the world. And this blissful, uncontainable, immeasurable, eternal, divine Light which is about to be given, is heralded by a dawn, a morning star, a chorus of atoms of Light that increase continuously like a tide, and rise more and more like incense, and descend like a large stream and stretch out like veils…” 


    And the light increases more and more. It is now unbearable to the eye. And the Virgin disappears in so much light, as if She had been absorbed by an incandescent curtain...and the Mother emerges. Yes. When the light becomes endurable once again to my eyes, I see Mary with the new-born Son in Her arms. A little Baby, rosy and plump, bustling with His little hands as big as rose buds and kicking with His tiny feet that could be contained in the hollow of the heart of a rose: and is crying with a thin trembling voice, just like a new-born little lamb, opening His pretty little mouth that resembles a wild strawberry, and showing a tiny tongue that trembles against the rosy roof of His mouth.” (Poem of the Man-God, Chap. 29 Vol. 1.)


In order conform to Catholic teaching that Mary was a virgin before, during and after the birth of Our Lord, He must have emerged from her womb completely detached from any afterbirth matter, including the umbilical cord. Such matter might have been retained within the womb of His mother. As a sign of this miraculous detachment of His umbilical cord and placenta, it seems, from the Shroud, that He was born without a significantly visible navel. As He told Maria, the Shroud testifies that He was born “not according to the laws of humanity.”


Interestingly enough, we have confirmation of these words of Jesus to the mystic Maria Valtorta in the words of another mystic, Venerable Mary of Agreda. She writes: "The infant God therefore was brought forth from the virginal chamber unencumbered by any corporeal or material substance foreign to Himself." 


Quoting Agreda: 


    “At the end of the beatific rapture and vision of the Mother ever Virgin, which I have described above was born the Sun of Justice, the Only begotten of the eternal Father and of Mary most pure, beautiful, refulgent and immaculate, leaving Her untouched in her virginal integrity and purity and making Her more godlike and forever sacred; for He did not divide, but penetrated the virginal chamber as the rays of the sun penetrate the crystal shrine, lighting it up in prismatic beauty. Before I describe the miraculous manner in which this took place, I wish to say that the divine Child was born pure and disengaged, without the protecting shield called secundina, surrounded by which other children are commonly born, and in which they are enveloped in the wombs of their mothers. […] It is enough to know and suppose that in the generation and birth of the incarnate Word the arm of the Almighty selected and made use of all that substantially and unavoidably belonged to natural human generation, so that the Word could truly call Himself conceived and engendered as a true man and born of the substance of his Mother ever Virgin.


    “[...] but it was consequent upon his miraculous Birth that He be exempt and free from all that could be caused by the corruption or uncleanness of matter. Thus also this covering, or secundina, was not to fall a prey to corruption outside of the virginal womb, because it had been so closely connected and attached to his most holy body and because it was composed of the blood and substance of his Mother; in like manner it was not advisable to keep and preserve it outside of Her, nor was it becoming to give it the same privileges and importance as to his divine body in coming forth from the body of his most holy Mother, as I will yet explain. The wonder which would have to be wrought to dispose of that sacred covering outside of the womb could be wrought much more appropriately within.

    “The infant God therefore was brought forth from the virginal chamber unencumbered by any corporeal or material substance foreign to Himself. But He came forth glorious and transfigured for the divine and infinite wisdom decreed and ordained that the glory of his most holy soul should in his Birth overflow and communicate itself to his body, participating in the gifts of glory in the same way as happened afterwards in his Transfiguration on mount Tabor in the presence of the Apostles.” (Ven. Mary of Agreda, The Mystical City of God: Volume 3,The Incarnation, nos. 477-479; Ave Maria Institute, 1971.)


Maria Valtorta’s description that Jesus was born “in a chorus of atoms of Light” is seconded by another twentieth century mystic, the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:


    “... I saw the Queen Mama in the act of giving birth to Little Baby Jesus. What a wonderful prodigy! It seemed that both Mother and Son were transmuted into most pure light. But in that light one could see very well the human nature of Jesus containing the Divinity within Itself, and serving as a veil to cover the Divinity; in such a way that, in tearing the veil of human nature, He was God, while covered by that veil, He was Man. Here is the prodigy of prodigies: God and Man, Man and God! Without leaving the Father and the Holy Spirit – because true love never separates – He comes to dwell in our midst, taking on human flesh. Now, it seemed to me that Mother and Son, in that most happy instant, remained as though spiritualized, and without the slightest difficulty Jesus came out of the Maternal womb, while both of them overflowed with excess of Love. In other words, those Most Pure Bodies were transformed into Light, and without the slightest impediment, Light Jesus came out of the Light of the Mother, while both One and the Other remained whole and intact, returning, then, to their natural state. 


    “Who can tell the beauty of the Little Baby who, at the moment of His birth, transfused, also externally, the rays of the Divinity? Who can tell the beauty of the Mother, who remained all absorbed in those Divine rays? And Saint Joseph? It seemed to me that he was not present at the act of the birth, but remained in another corner of the cave, all engrossed in that profound Mystery. And if he did not see with the eyes of the body, he saw very well with the eyes of the soul, because he remained enraptured in sublime ecstasy. 


    “Now, in the act in which the Little Baby came out to the light, I would have wanted to fly and take Him in my arms, but the Angels prevented me, saying that the honor of holding Him first belonged to the Mother. Then, the Most Holy Virgin, as though stirred, returned into Herself and from the hands of an Angel received Her Son in Her arms. In Her ardor of love, She squeezed Him so tightly that it seemed that She wanted to draw Him into Her womb again. Then, wanting to let Her ardent love pour out, She placed Him at Her breast to suckle.”


(Luisa Piccarreta, Book of Heaven, Volume 4, Dec. 25, 1900; available online Here.)

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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

A Saint and Two Blesseds Praise Maria Valtorta’s Opus.


Book Review by Frank M. Rega, OFS.

The book: “Maria Valtorta’s Life of Christ: Treasured by Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Blessed Gabriel Allegra, Blessed Maria Ines Teresa Arias,” by Fr. Anthony Pillari and Stephen Austin; Regina Angelorum Press, 2019. 


This short book convincingly demonstrates that the favorable testimonies and praise of Maria Valtorta’s opus, The Poem of the Man-God, by the three Catholics mentioned in its title, indicate it is not only “safe” to read her book, but is imperative to do so in today’s unbelieving age. 


The first three chapters of the book deal respectively with the views of Mother Teresa, Blessed Maria Arias, and Blessed Gabriel Allegra. The fourth chapter is called “A Response to Some Objections.” Chapter five comprises a detailed critique by Blessed Allegra of The Poem of the Man-God, which has been renamed in its new edition as The Gospel as Revealed to Me. All this is followed by two appendices, which enumerate the many resources available for learning more about The Poem of the Man-God, and photocopies of some of the favorable testimonies.


Mother Teresa’s confessor had observed that when she traveled, there were three books that always accompanied her. One was the Bible, and the second was the breviary. The third book was The Poem of the Man-God. When he asked her what it was about, her response was “Read it!” This reminds me of the comment Pope Pius XII made in 1948 when he requested that Valtorta’s work be published: “Those who read it will understand.”


The fact that she has been canonized by the Church underscores the significance of Mother Teresa’s support of The Poem of the Man-God. The authors illustrate this by citing the Church’s procedure for determining the Causes of saints and blesseds, which was most recently promulgated in Pope John Paul’s Apostolic Constitution Divinus perfectionis magister, in 1983. The document states that by considering the lives of such persons, “we are most safely taught the path by which […] we can arrive at that perfect union with Christ, which is holiness.” The Church affirms that we can safely imitate the lives of saints and blesseds, because after a careful and thorough examination, they have been shown to be “heroically virtuous,” by their practice of the three theological and the four cardinal virtues. 


Therefore we can safely follow such persons on the path to holiness. It is in this light and with this perspective that Saint Teresa of Calcutta’s recommendation to read The Poem of the Man-God can be evaluated as highly important, and to some extent authoritative. As the authors state, “This does not mean she was infallible, but it does mean that her example is a relevant one when discerning the value of a Life of Christ such as the Poem.”


One of the most beautiful sources of spiritual reading


Blessed Maria Arias (Blessed Mother Maria Ines Teresa of the Most Blessed Sacrament) is best known for founding, in 1945, The Poor Clare Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament, which now numbers 36 missionary houses in 14 countries. In addition, in 1979 she founded the Missionaries of Christ for the Universal Church. Two years later she died in Rome. She was beatified before an audience of 12,000 faithful at the Basilica of Our Lady of Gaudalupe in Mexico City, by the Prefect of the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, on April 21, 2012. 


In 1978, while she was Superior General of her Order, she wrote, “I am very attached to the reading of the work The Poem of the Man-God. Truly it has really become one of the most beautiful sources of spiritual reading.” One of her spiritual daughters, Sister Maria Uranga, wrote that “Our Reverend Mother liked [the Poem] very much and asked me to order the series of four volumes in Spanish and Italian for the thirty-five houses she had founded up until then. […] She also gave them as gifts to Bishops, Priests, and other persons.” Thus Blessed Maria Arias was not only an ardent reader of The Poem of the Man-God, but also an avid promoter of it. 


Fr. Pillari and Mr. Austin, the authors of this book, determined that the Blessed’s actions regarding the distribution of the Poem had taken place during the last five years of her life. The Congregation for Saints looks especially closely at the last five to ten years of a person’s life to “verify the reaching of a heroic practice of all the Christian virtues.” Thus Blessed Maria Arias was exercising virtue to a heroic degree during the time she was ordering The Poem of the Man-God for her Sisters to read, as well as promoting it to others. The two authors write, “...the Church declares that in imitating her, particularly during this last period of her life, we are ‘most safely taught the path’ by which we can arrive at holiness.” 


Blessed Gabriel Allegra, a Franciscan priest of the Friars Minor, is a third person featured in the book. He is described as a “Valtortian” by the Vice-Postulator of the Friars Minor, Fr. Leonard Anastasius, because he was such a great admirer and diffuser of Maria’s writings. Fr. Anastasius affirms that “The judgment of Fr. Allegra is very valid, since he had been a biblical scholar of world renown.” In fact, as a theologian and biblical expert, Fr. Allegra is famed for being the first person to translate the entire Bible into Chinese, and his version is often considered the definitive Chinese Bible among Catholics. Since he spent 40 years on this effort, the study of Scripture can be considered his life’s work. 


To date, he is the only twentieth century Scriptural exegete to be beatified. He began studying Valtorta in 1965, and continued for eleven years until his death in 1976. As mentioned above, the Congregation looks especially at the last years of the person’s life to verify their heroic virtues. He wrote that, “After the Gospels, I do not know another life of Jesus that can compare to the Poem.” He held that the work came from the Spirit of Christ, and that “It is a work that makes one grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus and of His Holy Mother.”


Valtorta never falls into theological error.


Fr. Pillari and Mr. Austin devote a large part of their book to Fr. Allegra’s comments about the work of Valtorta, due to his “...unique combination of expertise as a world-renowned scriptural exegete, his heroic practice of the virtues, and an intense study of the Poem during the last 11 years of his life when he was at the peak of his scholarly knowledge.” Blessed Allegra wrote a detailed 16-page critique of The Poem of the Man-God, which their book presents in its entirety. 


Fr. Allegra feels that the “Poem...makes us better understand the Gospel, but it does not contradict it […] My own persuasion is that The Poem of the Man-God is the Work of Jesus first and of Maria Valtorta next.” He adds, “And what makes me marvel the more is that Valtorta never falls into theological error…” Further: “I find in it a living and complete exposition of almost all Catholic doctrine and morality […] the Poem pushes the reader to read the Bible with love and humility.” In a very revealing statement he says: “This book is for me an act of Divine Mercy for the Church, for simple souls, for hearts which are evangelically children.” 


The authors conclude that the support and promotion of The Poem of the Man-God by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Blessed Maria Arias, and Blessed Gabriel Allegra can be accepted with confidence, since the Church, after thorough investigation and deliberation of their virtues, has determined that one can safely arrive at holiness by imitating their lives and judgments. 


The book is available at Amazon Here.


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