Thursday, June 25, 2015

Is Our Lord pleased with Laudato Si? - Updated

Jesus explains that human and scientific interests are not a Priest's concern.


This morning, finding myself outside myself, I could see some Priests.  They were dedicated to human and scientific interests which were unnecessary to their state of life, and which were done with the mixture of a rebellious spirit to their superior authorities. 


Then Our Lord, who was very distressed, said to me: 


"My daughter, the human and scientific interests are not the Priests' concern. A muddy and putrid second nature is formed, and the works that come out of those interests - even holy ones - stink so greatly, nauseating Me so much as to be intolerable.  Pray and repair for these offenses, for I am weary."  (08/25/1906.)


From the approved Volume Seven of the spiritual "Diary" Book of Heaven, of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.  Imprimatur of Archbishop Joseph Leo and Nihil Obstat of (now Saint) Fr. Annibale Di Francia. 

Update - from a vision of Luisa's (08/12/1910 volume 9): 


". . .  I saw many priests running away from the Church and turning against the Church to wage war against Her.  I looked at those priests with great sorrow, and I felt a light that made me comprehend that the origin of this and all the evil of priests is in dealing with souls about human things, things all of a material nature, without a strict necessity.  These human things form a net for the priest which blinds his mind, hardens his heart to divine things, and prevents his step on the path that befits him in the office of his ministry.  Not only this, but it is a net for souls, because they bring what is human, and receive what is human, and grace remains as though excluded from them.  Oh! how much evil is committed by these - how many slaughters of souls they make!"


To learn more about the mystic Luisa Piccarreta, click Here.

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